
ArConnect Injected API subscription() function

Subscriptions is a feature that allows users to subscribe to applications and be charged on a periodic basis such as monthly, weekly, or quarterly. Users will be charged the moment they subscribe

Note: This function requires the ACCESS_ALL_ADDRESSES permission.

Recurring Payment Frequency

This function requires a recurring frequency such as listed:

Recurring Payment Frequency

export enum RecurringPaymentFrequency {
  QUARTERLY = "Quarterly",
  MONTHLY = "Monthly",
  WEEKLY = "Weekly",
  DAILY = "Daily",

Example usage

// connect to the extension
await window.arweaveWallet.connect(["ACCESS_ALL_ADDRESSES"]);

// submit the subscription information
const subscription = await window.arweaveWallet.subscription({
  arweaveAccountAddress: "hY70z-mbKfDByqXh4y43ybSxReFVo1i9lB1dDdCkO_U",
  applicationName: "ArConnect",
  subscriptionName: "ArConnect Premium",
  subscriptionManagementUrl: "",
  subscriptionFeeAmount: 0.5,
  recurringPaymentFrequency: "Monthly",
  subscriptionEndDate: new Date("2024-12-31"),
  applicationIcon: "",

// Subscription will output the details and the initial payment txn
console.log("Subscription details with paymentHistory array:", subscription);

Last updated