
Introducing the ArConnect Injected API

The ArConnect API is a JavaScript object, injected into each browser tab. To interact with it, you simply need to call one of the functions in the window.arweaveWallet object.

Basic usage

To use ArConnect in your application, you don't need to integrate or learn how the ArConnect Injected API works. Using arweave-js, you can easily sign a transaction through ArConnect in the background:

// create Arweave transaction
const tx = await arweave.createTransaction({
  /* tx options */

// sign transaction
await arweave.transactions.sign(tx);

// TODO: handle signed transaction

When signing a transaction through arweave-js, you'll need to omit the second argument of the sign() function, or set it to "use_wallet". This will let the package know to use the extension in the background to sign the transaction.

Once the transaction is signed, you can safely post it to the network.

Advanced usage

The ArConnect Injected API provides extra functionalities in case you wish to utilize the user's wallet to its full extent securely. These features are not integrated in the arweave-js package, but can be useful to further customize your app. The above mentioned window.arweaveWallet object holds the api functions necessary for this.

Each function is described in detail in the following pages.

Please remember: to interact with the API, make sure that the arweaveWalletLoaded event has already been fired. Read more about that here.

TypeScript types

To support ArConnect types for window.arweaveWallet, you can install the npm package arconnect, like this:

npm i -D arconnect


yarn add -D arconnect

To add the types to your project, you should either include the package in your tsconfig.json, or add the following to your env.d.ts file:

/// <reference types="arconnect" />

Additional Injected API fields

The ArConnect Injected API provides some additional information about the extension. You can retrive the wallet version (window.arweaveWallet.walletVersion) and you can even verify that the currently used wallet API indeed belongs to ArConnect using the wallet name (window.arweaveWallet.walletName).

addEventListener("arweaveWalletLoaded", () => {
  console.log(`You are using the ${window.arweaveWallet.walletName} wallet.`);
  console.log(`Wallet version is ${window.arweaveWallet.walletVersion}`);

Last updated