Sign message

ArConnect Injected API signMessage() function

This function allows creating a cryptographic signature for any piece of data for later validation.




The data to generate the signature for


Configuration for the signature

Note: This function requires the SIGNATURE permission.

Note: This function should only be used to allow data validation. It cannot be used for on-chain transactions, interactions or bundles, for security reasons. Consider implementing sign(), signDataItem() or dispatch().

Note: The function first hashes the input data for security reasons. We recommend using the built in verifyMessage() function to validate the signature, or hashing the data the same way, before validation (example).

Note: The options argument is optional, if it is not provided, the extension will use the default signature options (default hash algorithm: SHA-256) to sign the data.


Currently ArConnect allows you to customize the hash algorithm (SHA-256 by default):

export interface SignMessageOptions {
  hashAlgorithm?: "SHA-256" | "SHA-384" | "SHA-512";

Example usage

// connect to the extension
await window.arweaveWallet.connect(["SIGNATURE"]);

// message to be signed
const data = new TextEncoder().encode("The hash of this msg will be signed.");

// create signature
const signature = await window.arweaveWallet.signMessage(data);

// verify signature
const isValidSignature = await window.arweaveWallet.verifyMessage(data, signature);

console.log(`The signature is ${isValidSignature ? "valid" : "invalid"}`);

Verification without ArConnect

You might encounter situations where you need to verify the signed message against an ArConnect generated signature, but the extension is not accessible or not installed (for e.g.: server side code, unsupported browser, etc.).

In these cases it is possible to validate the signature by hashing the message (with the algorithm you used when generating the signature through ArConnect) and verifying that against the ArConnect signature. This requires the message to be verified, the signature and the wallet's public key. Below is the JavaScript (TypeScript) example implementation with the Web Crypto API, using SHA-256 hashing:

// connect to the extension
await window.arweaveWallet.connect(["SIGNATURE"]);

// message to be signed
const data = new TextEncoder().encode("The hash of this msg will be signed.");

// create signature
const signature = await window.arweaveWallet.signMessage(data);

/** This is where we start the verification **/
// hash the message (we used the default signMessage() options
// so the extension hashed the message using "SHA-256"
const hash = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", data);

// import public JWK
// we need the user's public key for this
const publicJWK: JsonWebKey = {
    e: "AQAB",
    ext: true,
    kty: "RSA",
    // !! You need to obtain this on your own !!
    // possible ways are: 
    // - getting from ArConnect if available
    // - storing it beforehand
    // - if the wallet has made any transactions on the Arweave network
    //   the public key is going to be the owner field of the mentioned
    //   transactions
    n: publicKey

// import public jwk for verification
const verificationKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
      name: "RSA-PSS",
      hash: "SHA-256"

// verify the signature by matching it with the hash
const isValidSignature = await crypto.subtle.verify(
    { name: "RSA-PSS", saltLength: 32 },

console.log(`The signature is ${isValidSignature ? "valid" : "invalid"}`);

Last updated